TerraForma | GEOUUG.COM
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Players in TerraForma are colonists, awakened from stasis after hundreds of years in orbit  above Earth, during which an unknown cataclysm destroyed all human life on the surface. Each player life represents a unique colonist of a dwindling supply, with special skills and traits. Players explore the surface, building bases and plundering derelict structures for working technology.


TerraForma focuses on cooperative multiplayer experiences (which may be enjoyed solo as well). More to come on this, once I figure out how to get multiplayer working properly.




While TerraForma may be categorized as a Survival/Crafting game, I am intentionally stepping away from many of the mechanics that have become standard fare in the genre. Below is a list of the core mechanics that define TerraForma. I am hesitant to enumerate the list in its entirety, as many of these may be found to be necessary after all. There are a few things that the game is designed around, which I will almost certainly be keeping. The short list is as follows:


1. Limited Player Inventories

Two items may be held at a time, one in each hand. Or one large item may be held with both hands. To free a hand, an item must be put down.

Tools may be slung over the shoulder, freeing the hand. Only items designed to be put on shoulders may go in the shoulder slot.

Small items (batteries, fuses, ammo) are held in pants pockets, which are generous but limited.

Backpacks expand inventory capacity, but are First-In-Last-Out stacks, which require unloading to reach the bottom items.

Players can craft boxes, place items in the box, and carry the box with two hands.


2. No Chest Storage

Chests as they typically appear are entirely absent. Loot is never reduced to items in a menu. Everything players bring back to the base is always on display.

The exception to this rule is building materials, which are stored in stockpiles, however the stockpiles will still show the contents visually.

So players don't go insane managing huge stockpiles, crafting recipes are kept slim. Crafting recipes will typically be one or two ingredients, but each ingredient will be risky or rare. Or the crafting recipe is one which must be learned from exploring the world.


3. Tools are Provided

Rather than giving the player the joy of cutting down trees slowly, only to """upgrade""" their axe so that it can cut down trees a bit faster (with the promise of one day cutting down trees even faster), players in TerraForma are provided with a multitool that cuts wood, smashes stone, and pries metal. It never wears out and it never needs upgrading.


4. Morale

As a substitute for typical survivability progression, colonists in Terraforma will receive temporary hit points based on their current Morale.

Morale is gained by taking part in leisure activities. Sitting, sleeping, looking at decorations, playing mini-games, socializing, and eating good food will increase morale.

Receiving damage in combat will reduce morale, and having morale to lose will prevent the loss of hit points.


View the Design Document for detailed information about the game's mechanics.



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